compensating variation câu
It's got gyroscopes, compressed air chambers, compensatingNó có những con quay hồi chuyển, những ngăn khí nén Do you think maybe he's ...

A 36 base pair variation in identical samples?36 cặp xoắn kép đối xứng trong các mẫu giống nhau? There is no way this is going to happ...

compensating tank
The Paralever rear wheel suspension also originates from the BMW R 1200 S, but in the BMW HP2 Sport it has an Öhlins sporting spring st...

annual variation
Both vary over thousands of years, so the annual variation of the true solar day also varies.Cả hai đều thay đổi sau hàng nghìn năm nên...

bounded variation
The space of functions of bounded variationNghĩa của từ: function of bounded variation The space of functions of bounded variationNghĩa...

chance variation
The results showed a 23.3 percent drop in violent crime over the study period, with the statistical probability of less than 2 in 1 bil...

climatic variation
With two mountain ranges and water bordering three of its sides, France is practically guaranteed to have climatic variation.Với hai dã...

coefficient of variation
Coefficient of Variation: 10% (for 1 to 4 mg/m3), 5% (for 4 to 15 mg/m3)Hệ số biến đổi: 10% (for 1 to 5 mg/m^3), 5% (for 5 to 15 mg/m^3...

continuous variation
Sweep mode is a small continuous variation of the ultrasonic frequency around a central value, such as 40 kHz ±3 kHz.Sweep mode là chế ...

daily variation
There is too much overlap between abnormal results and normal daily variation.Có quá nhiều sự chồng chéo giữa các kết quả bất thường và...

delay variation
High-frequency delay variation is called jitter while low-frequency delay variation is called wander. Biến động trễ có tần số cao được...

direct variation
Review of Direct Variationbiên phân trực tiêp direct variation Review of Direct Variationbiên phân trực tiêp direct variation Lesson o...

diurnal variation
Likewise, stress can blunt or eliminate this normal diurnal variation.Tương tự như vậy, sự căng thẳng có thể làm mờ đi hoặc loại bỏ biế...

environmental variation
Since all children now had more or less the same opportunities at school, environmental variation was largely ironed out and the effect...

first variation
The first variation gave a 13.7% improvement!Các biến thể đầu tiên đã cho một sự cải thiện 13 7%! The first variation is to use more t...

free variation
So a totally free variation on your phone strikes so many buttons.Vì vậy, một phiên bản miễn phí trên điện thoại của bạn đấm rất nhiều ...

frequency variation
^ US 2121103, Seeley, Stuart W., "Frequency Variation Response Circuits", issued June 21, 1938^ Seeley, Stuart W., "Frequency Variation...

genetic variation
Races and Human Genetic VariationCác Chủng Tộc của Loài Người và sự khác biệt Gen To what extent are genetic variation and personal he...

geographic variation
Geographic variation is wide, with no special variation within the United States.Biến thiên địa lý rất rộng, không có biến thể đặc biệt...

inverse variation
Problem solving inverse variationbiến phân ngược inverse variation Problem solving inverse variationbiến phân ngược inverse variation

latitudinal variation
Lastly, there is a latitudinal variation in the cloud cover, such that around 20°N there are regions with 0.10 less cloudiness than the...

magnetic variation
This is accomplished through the use of magnetic variation.Điều này được thực hiện nhờ sử dụng thông số variance. Magnetic Variation -...

overall variation
That said, the researchers noted that the four factors together only accounted for 4.4% of the overall variation in shortsightedness, w...

periodic variation
However, one third of these stars show an unexplained additional periodic variation, on even longer timescales - up to five years."Tuy ...

phase variation
There is not radial phase variation on this peculiar plane.Không có hạng phổ thông bình thường trên loại máy bay đặc biệt này. Capable...